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Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow
Panorama Festival in Action

At Panorama, we have a goal: to be at the forefront of sustainability and the preservation of our region.

Salento, this beautiful land where Panorama will take place, offers its inhabitants and visitors a breathtaking territory. Our wish is to give back to our land what it has given us and have a positive impact on the environment.

waste management at the Panorama Festival

compromises with the environment

We want to be a more sustainable festival and to do this we have decided to improve our vision of waste management. Within the Panorama venues, you will find recycle points, signposted with separate bins for each type of waste. Green informants will help you recycle your waste correctly. Together with you we can make Panorama Festival a cleaner and more sustainable event and reduce our impact on the environment.

Our projects

This year, with the third edition of Panorama, we have decided to act not only during the events with improved waste management compared to previous editions, but also to carry out activities outside the festival and become promoters of initiatives aimed at safeguarding the Salento region and developing sustainability in not only environmental but also social terms. in line with the objectives of theAgenda 2030


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Panorama and Plastic Free: united to clean up Porto Miggiano
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Let's Refresh Salento with Sylva Foundation
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One Life Tour in Salento: Michael Bibi celebrates life in partnership with LILT